Annex A: OTP Api Response Codes
The OTP campaign was saved sucessfully.
The call is being stored.
The OTP campaign was finished sucessfully.
The campaign name can’t be empty.
The voice of the OTP campaign is invalid.
The caller id of the OTP campaign is invalid. Only numbers are allowed.
An error occurred while the system was saving the Robocall Campaign, Please contact the system administrator.
The campaign id can’t be empty.
The destination number can’t be null or empty.
The text to reproduce can’t be null or empty and should have a maximum of 5000 characters.
An error occurred while the system was saving the call, Please contact the system administrator.
An error occurred while the system was saving the Robocall Campaign: {DESCRIPTION_ERROR}.
The campaign id was not found in our system or the campaign was not ACTIVE.
The end date of the OTP campaign is invalid.
The repetition key must be between 0 and 9.
The campaign capacity must be between 1 and 1000.
Unknown Error.